Monday, March 10, 2008


My friend Amelia asked me to be a contributor to her feminist blog: Female Impersonator!

Her blog is a baby, but its still pretty fantastic, and I am very excited to be its co-surrogate mother.

It is named after our radio show, which got its name from a quote by Susan Brownmiller: "All women are female impersonators to some degree." Meaning that it takes a lot of work to be what society views as a woman or feminine. Such as diets, makeup, hair, shoes ect. Even though, when I wear my pjs to class, I am still technically a woman, I am not viewed as a woman. Its a pretty fantastic, thought provoking quote, so I am so glad she adopted it to her blog as well as our radio show.

So yep. Awesome-ness.


Anonymous said...

you ladies are both pretty fantastic, keep up the good if I could just figure out the radio thing!!!

Amelia said...

P.S. deb is my mom, kate. she is completely new to the whole "technology" thing. haha.

Amelia said...

we need to figure out some way to better advertise to people who are going to contribute to a civilized discussion, and who are not colt (see "the hot friend").

any ideas? you don't even have to do it. i will. i just need ideas. because i'm sick of colt's sexism. he never says anything productive. it's more like he just wants to piss people off. him and geoff, actually.